The Difficulties of Cloning

These days many scientists are putting a lot of effort into cloning. Cloning can help people in medical and scientific fields. People have the technology to clone, but it is not used a lot because it is complicated and it has many ethical problems.
Cloning is the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or an organism. For human cloning, there are two types of cloning. One is reproductive cloning and the other one is therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning refers to the creation of individuals with identical genetic characteristics using human cloning technology. It is not a cloning technology for existing life forms, but rather a technology for cloning future-like forms. Therapeutic cloning is a method of creating cloned embryos using cell nucleus transfers to create cells. It refers to something done for the purpose of treating human diseases, conducting research, and supplying organs and cells.

There are many good sides to human cloning, but it also has problems. The main benefit of human cloning is that it can be used to cure human disease. Therapeutic cloning can create cells that are an identical match for the recipient, eliminating the risk of rejection. It also has the potential to cure degenerative diseases. Reproductive cloning can make people live longer or help patients to have genetically related children without giving birth with their own body. However, cloning can cause serious genetic errors, leading to premature and painful deaths. Take animals as an example. When scientists tried cloning animals, most cloned animals had illnesses and have died at an early age. These problems are in need of fixing since every life form is deemed precious.

People also have divided opinions about whether or not cloning is really necessary. It is mainly related to moral problems and each person has different opinions about it. One of the topics is that cloned humans should be regarded just as equal as other humans, and that they should also be granted with the same rights that everyone else has. People who are agreeing with this idea are claiming that they will be able to think by themselves and have natural judgment abilities just as others do. On the other hand, people who disagree see them as a tool that only gives people advantages and nothing more. These differences in opinions could cause a bigger problem later on in the future that may have to be faced at some point.
As cloning still has many issues people should think about it. Our technology cannot perfectly clone humans without any side effects yet, but in the future cloning will be more popularly used and people should use the technology wisely and carefully.